Monzón, April 16, 2011 IU
Middle Cinca has bid in the village of Alcolea de Cinca and will Sagarra Raquel Garces, who leads this application. Raquel is a Professor of Primary Velilla de Cinca and is the second time that IU is leading a bid in the town.
Miguel Aso Intercomarcal UI coordinator, said that "Rachel is a woman rather than exceptional. Very committed and strong advocate of the values \u200b\u200bof the left that is fully identified. As a woman on the left, is certainly a model. " Finally Raquel
Sagar noted, that "Alcolea is an important town for IU, a locality where the PCE was mayor and a town where we usually have good results, so we hope to return to the City on this mandate and restore sanity in the same management.
are part of the application: Raquel Sagarra
Marí Save Vital
Arsenio Arner
Francisco Cobos María Pilar Arcas
Lidia Yolanda Pedro Angel Solans
Antonio Loscertales
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