Monzón, April 27, 2011.
was published today in the Monsoon board of City Hall, the announcement which announces the opening of the period for obtaining plots of Social Gardens. The time given is 10 calendar days ending at the next 10 May. Everyone and anyone interested can go to the office of Citizen Services (SAC) in order to obtain information and join the plots.
Miguel Aso, Councillor for the Environment, said that " confident that it can be useful for many montisonenses this idea that we have developed and which we have real hope. Some people take some time today asking and have collected documentation respect. . " Finally
Councilman noted that "the proposal expect these plots to serve not only to get the best food possible, but will also do it as a source of health, leisure and distraction for groups such as long-term unemployed or pensioners and socialization among them .
criteria to participate in obtaining these plots are set in the ordinance adopted for this purpose and a summary are:
"Article 4. Beneficiaries:
-People over 18, registered in Monzón, Selgua and Conchel, with more than two years old.
-Schools, institutions, entities or nonprofit organizations registered in the municipality and develop educational activities or vocational training of environmental interest.
-People who leave working life retirement, disability, early retirement or be in any situation comparable to retired and those who, not being so, no jobless benefits for the family unit. "
The documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall contain the following information: coexistence
-Certificate stating the relationship between the number of members of the family unit and / or those who are to participate in the use of the garden (with the ID of each).
"In the case of companies, is also present copy of the registration of the association or entity in the municipal associations.
-registration Certificate in the case of individual holders.
-Supporting document of being unemployed and do not perceive any benefit the family unit (if applicable).
-document attesting to the state pension (if any).
-document stating only income as an invalidity benefit (if any).
-Be aware of payment of tax obligations to the City Council.
-Affidavit of non-possession of the family unit of rural land suitable for farming or certificate of registration of property. Certificate of Compliance
-school garden petition adopted by the Senate or the School Board or the Board (in case of joint ventures and or entities), and the appointment of a coordinator for orchard activities.
"Not having been sanctioned on grounds of previous ownership of gardens for leisure or have been deprived of the plot of what was awarded.
-users should not have medical problems that will disqualify him for the performance of agriculture. The City may request a medical certificate to that effect.
"No work another own particular garden, transferred or leased.
After the deadline, applications will be reviewed by the municipal officers, and proceeded to give each of the requests a serial number based on the order of entry municipal registry. Later there will be a draw that will be awarded a specific field. Order to be established awards in cold places or waivers of plots by tenderers.
For households, a person may participate in the Unit and shall be grounds for excluding the filing of two applications of the same household.
FOURTH: If there were more places that people involved in the draw date, after all the same will be continuing to accord the other plots in order of new demands set by the General Register of the City, to finish all the plots.
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