Zoo Logic launches new management software developed for electronic invoicing.

Zoo Logic informs users of Wildcat Apparel management software that has the functionality to electronic bills, allowing them, through a simple and quick setup on your system, meet the requirements for wholesale sales, established by General Resolution 2975 of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP). In www.zoologic.com.ar, interested parties may access an instruction or telephone the Help Desk.
As a first step, must have a Digital Certificate enabled by AFIP (see instructions). Luego, podrán dar de alta la función en Lince Indumentaria, que quedará entonces habilitado para interactuar con una firma digital instalada en la PC y autorizar al momento de imprimir los comprobantes, obteniendo el CAE (Código de Autorización Electrónica) de la AFIP.
La AFIP estableció (RG 2975) un régimen de emisión y almacenamiento electrónico de los comprobantes respaldatorios de las operaciones comerciales efectuadas en el mercado interno, posibilitando el reemplazo del tradicional soporte papel. Desde el 1º de abril, la obligación se extendió (RG 2485) para aquellos sujetos inscriptos en el impuesto al valor agregado que revistan el carácter de importadores y se encuentren inscriptos in the "special registration procedures". Are achieved by these provisions vouchers bill "A" and "B" and credit notes and debit cards.
About Zoo Logic
Since 1993, Zoo Logic provides services and technology solutions for managing administrative, retail outlets and production, providing know-how, experience and technology to maximize the business results of enterprises. A clear information management and strategic vision that characterize Zoo Logic have allowed to be chosen by approximately 5000 national and international companies, and has more than Installed 22,000 jobs in retail, manufacturing and administration offices in Argentina and Latin America. Some of his clients: Calvin Klein, Mimo, Nike, Cardon, 47Street, Boating, Bowen, Class Life, Cocoto, Culture, Etam, Jazmin Chebar, Cook, Kenzo, Kosiuko, La Dolfina,, The Kernels, María Cher, Rever Pass , Ossira, Peter Kent, Prototype, Ports, Ricky Sarkany, Tucci, Stone, Selu, among many others.
As a first step, must have a Digital Certificate enabled by AFIP (see instructions). Luego, podrán dar de alta la función en Lince Indumentaria, que quedará entonces habilitado para interactuar con una firma digital instalada en la PC y autorizar al momento de imprimir los comprobantes, obteniendo el CAE (Código de Autorización Electrónica) de la AFIP.
La AFIP estableció (RG 2975) un régimen de emisión y almacenamiento electrónico de los comprobantes respaldatorios de las operaciones comerciales efectuadas en el mercado interno, posibilitando el reemplazo del tradicional soporte papel. Desde el 1º de abril, la obligación se extendió (RG 2485) para aquellos sujetos inscriptos en el impuesto al valor agregado que revistan el carácter de importadores y se encuentren inscriptos in the "special registration procedures". Are achieved by these provisions vouchers bill "A" and "B" and credit notes and debit cards.
About Zoo Logic
Since 1993, Zoo Logic provides services and technology solutions for managing administrative, retail outlets and production, providing know-how, experience and technology to maximize the business results of enterprises. A clear information management and strategic vision that characterize Zoo Logic have allowed to be chosen by approximately 5000 national and international companies, and has more than Installed 22,000 jobs in retail, manufacturing and administration offices in Argentina and Latin America. Some of his clients: Calvin Klein, Mimo, Nike, Cardon, 47Street, Boating, Bowen, Class Life, Cocoto, Culture, Etam, Jazmin Chebar, Cook, Kenzo, Kosiuko, La Dolfina,, The Kernels, María Cher, Rever Pass , Ossira, Peter Kent, Prototype, Ports, Ricky Sarkany, Tucci, Stone, Selu, among many others.
More information: www.zoologic.com.ar
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