Monzón, April 11, 2011.
The Court of Administrative Huesca No. 1 has provided an interrogation for different members of the Commission of Government of the District of Middle Cinca formulate response writing to several questions, according to an open procedure in that court. Among those who should answer these questions, is the Director of Middle Cinca IU Miguel Aso, part of it to accept the offer made by the team of county government (PSOE-PAR-CHA).
The dispute arises from a request by two employees of the entity. Of the eight technical side of County Social Services against the Secretary of the entity and other technicians is against Social Services. They both asked at the time the President opened disciplinary proceedings on the grounds that there were improper treatment. By resolution of Government Commission dated December 16, 2010, with the abstention of IU and PP, it decides to file both requests and not to open disciplinary proceedings. From there, the technicians of the Social Services have a dispute not be satisfied with such decision and the fact that the body must make the decision not that of the Government Commission, if not the President, not can delegate these functions.
Miguel Aso, district director of IU has noted that "has already submitted the answers to the court and the least at the moment is which of the two parties is right, for it is evident that in order to reach this situation have been many years without addressing the problem of background relations work at home and now, this situation of lawlessness is affecting the citizens themselves. "The situation has noted the counselor," is so serious about the dereliction of duties by the government team, not even forced to recruit the workers, so there is no control schedules by personnel.
"La Comarca del Cinca Medio is in a serious economic situation in a situation of lack of clear political leadership of lack of ideas, with an improper abdication of government responsibilities fairly seriously and now, to make matters worse, the directors do not feel obliged to account to court by the inactivity of who runs the company, Mr. Solans President, has completed the Director of IU.
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