Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mount Blade Warband Cd

Untitled. XLII Meeting of Writers

Today I attended the meeting XLII Cordobeses Writers, a group of very enlightened and knowledgeable about the history of their localities.

have been read as an introduction to many communications, all very interesting, I liked the chronicler of Montalban, a person with many years and tired body but with extraordinary lucidity, I also made a good impression, among others, Miguel Ventura, Mirror columnist.

The great disappointment to hear that communication had not interested me because of the absence of the author. A golden figure in Castro del Río (Juan Valladares Valdelomar, 1602) Antonio Married Cruz

My curiosity about the topics of these people had led me to find out a bit about this character, why not catch you off guard and pleasantly I found a topic that has impressed me a lot. Reignite the imagination and research.

turns out: Again we find information on the relationship of Don Quixote and the town Guadajoz Valley, but this time refers to the apocryphal. El Quijote de Avellaneda. Surprisingly

again shows the name of Castro del Rio in the studies of many researchers point to the cleric Juan de Valladares Cordoba authorship of that work. His grandfather founded a primogeniture in this town in 1551.

can not be coincidence that the deeds of the two origins are attributed Quijotes Castreños. No complex can we ensure that Castro del Rio is the birthplace of Don Quixote.


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