Motion IU against pension reform IU
Monzón, February 8, 2011. IU
Monzón, labor representative in the City of Monzón, Miguel Aso, has filed a motion to be discussed at the next Full Council in requesting that the local council, is positioned in a manner contrary to pension reform, urging the Government of Spain to "the withdrawal of the pension reform measures as lengthening the retirement age and the extension of the minimum contribution to qualify for a full pension" .
also urged the motion to "stay the 65-35-15 model: 65 years maximum retirement age, 35 years maximum contribution period to access the maximum pension of Social Security and 15 years of computing time minimum access to retirement. "
IU Councilman Miguel Aso, said that this motion has IU in the City of Monsoon is "Similar to many that the organization is presenting in the municipalities where it has representation and fundamental aims that since the municipalities are told the Government of Spain that is on a path away from strengthening the pension system and proclaims, is setting up the pension welfare, youth and women away to the right to charge a decent pension, reducing overall average 20% of pension to be received. "
Councilman Miguel Aso has said that "women's employment in Spain is characterized by a high rate of temporary and partial recruitment, with reduced hours to reconcile work and family life, which will make woman is experiencing serious difficulties to reach 38.5 years of contribution period and something like that happen to young people too often find very high rates of temporary employment and unemployment. Finally
Miguel Aso has said that "these measures are only intended to please the financial speculators for English banks to be a lot of money presented to property development, to capitalize from the Pension Plans. Today has a social security reserve fund until this year crisis has generated surpluses and pension plans that are losing money from the government's commitment. This is the world upside down " Councilman completed.
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