IU CALLS ON THE 'CIVIC DEFAULT' election campaign
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Monzón, February 23, 2011 .- Under the slogan 'Let's> left', IU Monsoon election campaign has begun with the production of videos to explain the choices available to current policies, through Youtube Channel . In addition, IU Monsoon is present in the social network Facebook, has the blog of Councilman Miguel Aso and enable a link to the web 'www.iuaragonelecciones2011.com', in which IU will collect proposals for citizenship in a simple and fast access. All this is complemented by other materials on the UI refusal to labor reform and pensions.
The primary campaign is also involved because "is a hallmark of IU to be with the ordinary citizen." "Therefore it is sent by all the members of IU Monzón their various contacts, a record type that has been designed to simply, every citizen can send us your idea. For us, social networks are crucial because they can receive and disseminate messages quickly, reaching the population without major complications, "explains Miguel Aso, a candidate for IU to the Parliament of Aragon in Huesca and UI Councilman Monzon.
The aim is to "get the youth vote and the votes of those who think that there are alternatives on the left against the current policies that make markets, banks and multinationals," he says.
Therefore, from IU Monzón we call the "civic rebellion" against the neoliberal policies of government. "There is an alternative to bipartisanship and appeal to the" civic rebellion "because we can not continue like this and you can end the crisis differently.
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