was fashionable many years you make the badges with the color of Andalusian flag. This custom has fallen into disuse. I have also forgotten.
This is my contribution to the day of Andalusia. Greetings
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Geberal Petraeus Combat Action Badge
IU CALLS ON THE 'CIVIC DEFAULT' election campaign
Click here to view the video.
Monzón, February 23, 2011 .- Under the slogan 'Let's> left', IU Monsoon election campaign has begun with the production of videos to explain the choices available to current policies, through Youtube Channel . In addition, IU Monsoon is present in the social network Facebook, has the blog of Councilman Miguel Aso and enable a link to the web 'www.iuaragonelecciones2011.com', in which IU will collect proposals for citizenship in a simple and fast access. All this is complemented by other materials on the UI refusal to labor reform and pensions.
The primary campaign is also involved because "is a hallmark of IU to be with the ordinary citizen." "Therefore it is sent by all the members of IU Monzón their various contacts, a record type that has been designed to simply, every citizen can send us your idea. For us, social networks are crucial because they can receive and disseminate messages quickly, reaching the population without major complications, "explains Miguel Aso, a candidate for IU to the Parliament of Aragon in Huesca and UI Councilman Monzon.
The aim is to "get the youth vote and the votes of those who think that there are alternatives on the left against the current policies that make markets, banks and multinationals," he says.
Therefore, from IU Monzón we call the "civic rebellion" against the neoliberal policies of government. "There is an alternative to bipartisanship and appeal to the" civic rebellion "because we can not continue like this and you can end the crisis differently.

Click here to view the video.
Monzón, February 23, 2011 .- Under the slogan 'Let's> left', IU Monsoon election campaign has begun with the production of videos to explain the choices available to current policies, through Youtube Channel . In addition, IU Monsoon is present in the social network Facebook, has the blog of Councilman Miguel Aso and enable a link to the web 'www.iuaragonelecciones2011.com', in which IU will collect proposals for citizenship in a simple and fast access. All this is complemented by other materials on the UI refusal to labor reform and pensions.
The primary campaign is also involved because "is a hallmark of IU to be with the ordinary citizen." "Therefore it is sent by all the members of IU Monzón their various contacts, a record type that has been designed to simply, every citizen can send us your idea. For us, social networks are crucial because they can receive and disseminate messages quickly, reaching the population without major complications, "explains Miguel Aso, a candidate for IU to the Parliament of Aragon in Huesca and UI Councilman Monzon.
The aim is to "get the youth vote and the votes of those who think that there are alternatives on the left against the current policies that make markets, banks and multinationals," he says.
Therefore, from IU Monzón we call the "civic rebellion" against the neoliberal policies of government. "There is an alternative to bipartisanship and appeal to the" civic rebellion "because we can not continue like this and you can end the crisis differently.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Where Can I Buy A Navy Neckerchief
Monzón, February 28, 2011.
The City Commission Planning unanimously approved the proposal from the town-planning council chairman, by which the City Council Monsoon contest will bring a home located in the historic old town, in street Top 123 and rated according to the municipal technical services 104,473.86 euros in through the new payment formula option. Specifically, the statement marks a rent of 350 euros, which ended the 10-year highs which will continue to pay this amount, the individual may exercise the right to purchase option, simply paying the difference between what was paid and the remainder to the amount assessed in the statement, when in which the individual may write to your name this house so that all that has delivered the remainder of the final price.
Miguel Aso, Town Planning has stated that "we have finally opted for this formula that combines the possibility of that serves to rent housing and the particular, without making significant outlays, to exercise a right to purchase completed within a reasonable time, at a reasonable price. "
housing built on a farm about 206 square meters, has a total constructed area of \u200b\u200b156 square meters between ground floor and two heights. has been improved since its acquisition by the City and has particular garage, first floor with a new kitchen installed with gas boiler and heating for the rest of the house, bathrooms, two bedrooms and use of a room below deck. In addition the council has recently added a municipal lot in back of about 150 square meters to condition, allowing you to be a large garden area.
Finally, Miguel Aso has said that "have been marked in the statement different social criteria for the award, valued postive people under 35 years, with people under their care, with no home ownership in location as well as to improve the price to the lowest bid for the council, whether the final amount or the term to exercise the right to purchase option. Finally, the council has stated that "any citizen can compete with at least two years of registration in the locality and of course this statement does two things, guaranteeing access to housing and people return to the old town."

Monzón, February 28, 2011.
The City Commission Planning unanimously approved the proposal from the town-planning council chairman, by which the City Council Monsoon contest will bring a home located in the historic old town, in street Top 123 and rated according to the municipal technical services 104,473.86 euros in through the new payment formula option. Specifically, the statement marks a rent of 350 euros, which ended the 10-year highs which will continue to pay this amount, the individual may exercise the right to purchase option, simply paying the difference between what was paid and the remainder to the amount assessed in the statement, when in which the individual may write to your name this house so that all that has delivered the remainder of the final price.
Miguel Aso, Town Planning has stated that "we have finally opted for this formula that combines the possibility of that serves to rent housing and the particular, without making significant outlays, to exercise a right to purchase completed within a reasonable time, at a reasonable price. "
housing built on a farm about 206 square meters, has a total constructed area of \u200b\u200b156 square meters between ground floor and two heights. has been improved since its acquisition by the City and has particular garage, first floor with a new kitchen installed with gas boiler and heating for the rest of the house, bathrooms, two bedrooms and use of a room below deck. In addition the council has recently added a municipal lot in back of about 150 square meters to condition, allowing you to be a large garden area.
Finally, Miguel Aso has said that "have been marked in the statement different social criteria for the award, valued postive people under 35 years, with people under their care, with no home ownership in location as well as to improve the price to the lowest bid for the council, whether the final amount or the term to exercise the right to purchase option. Finally, the council has stated that "any citizen can compete with at least two years of registration in the locality and of course this statement does two things, guaranteeing access to housing and people return to the old town."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Fotografias Wendi Callo
Fray Pedro de Castro
The Very Reverend Father Pedro de Castro, was born on September 3, 1871, in Castro del Río. Very young, having met the chaplain Fray Bernardo de Feria, requested to join the Order, taking up the habit in the convent of Fuenterrabia on November 24, 1886, making his first profession on the 4th of December 1887 and the solemn 8 December 1890. He was sent to pursue their studies in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bbeing later transferred to Orihuela, where he sang his first Mass, and began to exercise in preaching to the village of La Vega de Valencia, next to the M. Stops Reverend Father Salvador.
Restored old Capuchin Province of Andalusia in 1898, Father Pedro de Castro MR, along with the Very Reverend Valencina Father Ambrose was one of its first founders, was appointed Provincial Definitor and Guardian of the Convent of Capuchin Sanlúcar. Upon leaving office on MR Valencina Father Ambrose was elected Minister Provincial in 1902, when he was only 31 years. Provincial Minister, retained the same humility a novice. In the three-year periods that stopped at the office, was elected Master of Novices and invariably General Custodian, including, for this reason several times to the General Chapter in Rome and visiting the main sanctuaries of Rome, Assisi and Loreto. He was again elected provincial minister in 1910 when the Mission returned from Santo Domingo to attend as a member to the chapter, and in 1917 he was again appointed Minister Provincial, and Guardian of the Convent of Seville from 1920 to 1926 and from 1926 to 1929. In the last chapter was appointed Provincial Treasurer of the Province, a position he had to resign because of the illness that led him to the grave.
His Works
Divine Providence had designed the restoration of the Capuchin Province of Andalusia.
was his first effort, when he was elected Provincial in 1903, acquiring the former Capuchin convent of Antequera, to dedicate the Seraphic College campus and future missionaries. The second addition to the Province, on the same date was the purchase of the former Capuchin convent in Cordoba.
His major work, which was to immortalize the most, was the Mission of Santo Domingo, which he recognizes as founder. In front of the first expedition of missionaries, was as Regular Superior in 1909. The thrust of the jealous and spiritual P. Peter came one after another the houses of the Mission, and as recognized by the Hon. Archbishop of Santo Domingo and Primate of the Americas.
The apostolic work of the Capuchins in Santo Domingo began in the humble chapel of St. Lazarus or Our Lady of Charity, serving lepers and poor children in the areas of San Lázaro and San Miguel.
His Spirit: Religious
foolproof a vocation rather than building houses and convents, was building his own example. For 36 years a priest, only death could not pay his heroic activity, and when he leaving the forces, still retained the power of your spirit.
was the first to matins at midnight, the first in the choir at five o'clock, the first acts of the Community, the first of the duties of his ministry, always choosing for himself the toughest jobs and difficult. Masses later, confessional endless care of the sick, and preaching missions throughout Andalusia, when he was Master of Novices, to all that the ministry is more arduous and difficult, it did not prevent or resistance ever. Seemed to be on the lips the words of the prophet: Ecce ego, mitte me. "Lord, here I am, send me.." Even
mortally wounded and not being able to have standing, prayed to Superior to send him and to put the final mass. Thing that he did not agree, but showing the zeal of his soul, cried many times by being prevented from working in the apostolic ministry.
This ascendancy of virtue transcended outside the cloister to the laity, who revered him as a model for priests and ministers of God, searching endlessly in the confessional, which was common to sit at five to about noon, and seeing always rodeado de pobres, a los que atendía con grandísima caridad. Hay recuerdos en su vida ministerial inolvidables, como el verlo asistir en la clínica a la muerte.
Entre los novicios, de los cuales tantos años fue Maestro, era una verdadera madre, formando a los jovencitos en el espíritu de la Orden, en las devociones franciscanas, en la austeridad capuchina. Su virtud no era adusta, sino fácil y alegre, de tal modo que las mayores austeridades se llevaban sin sentir y con una santa alegría. Así toda una generación se ha formado en su espíritu, y lo veneraba, como a su verdadero Padre y Maestro.
Poseía además the hallmark of our venerable and holy: a tender devotion, sensitive, deep filial to the Blessed Virgin.
His death so much work, preaching, prayer vigils, fasting and penance, had ruined his health so that, having only 59, appeared as an octogenarian. The previous-suffering esclorosis progressed, recurring congestion, and yet with untold jobs, and with great comfort of his soul, he was happy to say Mass, he did not lose until days before his death. The latest congestion
assailed him when he was in front of the Blessed Virgin, commending her for a moment tender fervor and devotion, shedding in the presence of effusions of his soul. During the days that followed, the Crucifix, which pressed on his heart during the lifetime dream, it fell from his limp hand and pictures of the Blessed Virgin were not separated, as a shield for his bosom, and received the Holy Sacrament and Benediction Apostó1ica and recommendation of the soul, expired peacefully in the Lord, on November 5, at 9 o'clock and fifteen in the morning, surrounded, like a patriarch, for all his children.
spreading the news of his death, were innumerable people who marched to visit the corpse, which was exposed in the lower choir of the church, watched constantly by religious members of his family and faithful, and covered with flowers. The Province of Andalucía, through the Provincial Minister, worked from the first moment of his death so that the body was buried in the crypt under the church choir, efforts to which joined the City and people of Castro del Río. EI
day 6 were held solemn funeral, mourning the Illustrious presiding. Mr. Vicar General, D. Jerome wardrobe, the PRM Provincial, Father Juan Bautista de Ardales, the Guardian of the Capuchin MRP, the Superior of the Capuchin Tertiary Two-Sisters Reformatory and Seville, the trustee of the Convent, Francisco Ayala, nephews of the deceased and the Minister of the Venerable Third Order and Director of the Provincial D. Manuel Portillo. EI funeral officiated as our brothers, the Franciscan Fathers of San Buenaventura, singing the Mass MRP Leocadio Cárdenas, attending the Carmelite Fathers, Salesians, Escolapios, Parents of the Jesuits, Dominicans, Pa ¬ ents of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sisters of Christian Doctrine and numerous personalities and faithful. On Friday we proceeded to embalm the body, a prerequisite to be buried in the crypt, which carried out the optional Mr. Peñalosa and Romero, Delegate to Mr. Shepherd. EI
Saturday 8 second funeral was held, and on Monday the third, after which they proceeded to bury the corpse, Provincial MRP officiating, assisted by the Warden of San Buenaventura, Charles MRP and MRP Leocadio Villacampa Cárdenas , singing, the office of burial and thereupon proceeding to the burial.
One of the streets of this town takes its name, perhaps one of the most peculiar of Castro, known by the name of "ladders." In this short road trip, where we found only until recently, five or six houses in one of them, right down to the penultimate Fray Pedro was born. I met reminded the board that such an event and his most important work: Creator of the Capuchin Order in Santo Domingo, this board disappeared into reform of the housing.
La Calle Fray Pedro de Castro or "ladders" for its appearance and its location is the best known of Castro, joins wicket slabs down the street, part of the Barrio Bajo, slide and Convent Street more important, perhaps the municipality. La Tercia (but not street race.)
Without being forbidden, this is not heavily traveled by vehicles, limiting access practically neighbors.
In the last section to the left until recently has been the building and playground last summer movies Castro del Río. The Lyceum (The cinema of the Ladder).
This film definitely stopped working about eight years ago, after enduring agony cinéphiles sporadic activities. The last organized by the city council and county council.
family still live in the Fray Pedro Castro jealously guarding the most important possessions, personally known to the holder of the rosary.
The Very Reverend Father Pedro de Castro, was born on September 3, 1871, in Castro del Río. Very young, having met the chaplain Fray Bernardo de Feria, requested to join the Order, taking up the habit in the convent of Fuenterrabia on November 24, 1886, making his first profession on the 4th of December 1887 and the solemn 8 December 1890. He was sent to pursue their studies in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bbeing later transferred to Orihuela, where he sang his first Mass, and began to exercise in preaching to the village of La Vega de Valencia, next to the M. Stops Reverend Father Salvador.
Restored old Capuchin Province of Andalusia in 1898, Father Pedro de Castro MR, along with the Very Reverend Valencina Father Ambrose was one of its first founders, was appointed Provincial Definitor and Guardian of the Convent of Capuchin Sanlúcar. Upon leaving office on MR Valencina Father Ambrose was elected Minister Provincial in 1902, when he was only 31 years. Provincial Minister, retained the same humility a novice. In the three-year periods that stopped at the office, was elected Master of Novices and invariably General Custodian, including, for this reason several times to the General Chapter in Rome and visiting the main sanctuaries of Rome, Assisi and Loreto. He was again elected provincial minister in 1910 when the Mission returned from Santo Domingo to attend as a member to the chapter, and in 1917 he was again appointed Minister Provincial, and Guardian of the Convent of Seville from 1920 to 1926 and from 1926 to 1929. In the last chapter was appointed Provincial Treasurer of the Province, a position he had to resign because of the illness that led him to the grave.
His Works
Divine Providence had designed the restoration of the Capuchin Province of Andalusia.
was his first effort, when he was elected Provincial in 1903, acquiring the former Capuchin convent of Antequera, to dedicate the Seraphic College campus and future missionaries. The second addition to the Province, on the same date was the purchase of the former Capuchin convent in Cordoba.
His major work, which was to immortalize the most, was the Mission of Santo Domingo, which he recognizes as founder. In front of the first expedition of missionaries, was as Regular Superior in 1909. The thrust of the jealous and spiritual P. Peter came one after another the houses of the Mission, and as recognized by the Hon. Archbishop of Santo Domingo and Primate of the Americas.
The apostolic work of the Capuchins in Santo Domingo began in the humble chapel of St. Lazarus or Our Lady of Charity, serving lepers and poor children in the areas of San Lázaro and San Miguel.
His Spirit: Religious
foolproof a vocation rather than building houses and convents, was building his own example. For 36 years a priest, only death could not pay his heroic activity, and when he leaving the forces, still retained the power of your spirit.
was the first to matins at midnight, the first in the choir at five o'clock, the first acts of the Community, the first of the duties of his ministry, always choosing for himself the toughest jobs and difficult. Masses later, confessional endless care of the sick, and preaching missions throughout Andalusia, when he was Master of Novices, to all that the ministry is more arduous and difficult, it did not prevent or resistance ever. Seemed to be on the lips the words of the prophet: Ecce ego, mitte me. "Lord, here I am, send me.." Even
mortally wounded and not being able to have standing, prayed to Superior to send him and to put the final mass. Thing that he did not agree, but showing the zeal of his soul, cried many times by being prevented from working in the apostolic ministry.
This ascendancy of virtue transcended outside the cloister to the laity, who revered him as a model for priests and ministers of God, searching endlessly in the confessional, which was common to sit at five to about noon, and seeing always rodeado de pobres, a los que atendía con grandísima caridad. Hay recuerdos en su vida ministerial inolvidables, como el verlo asistir en la clínica a la muerte.
Entre los novicios, de los cuales tantos años fue Maestro, era una verdadera madre, formando a los jovencitos en el espíritu de la Orden, en las devociones franciscanas, en la austeridad capuchina. Su virtud no era adusta, sino fácil y alegre, de tal modo que las mayores austeridades se llevaban sin sentir y con una santa alegría. Así toda una generación se ha formado en su espíritu, y lo veneraba, como a su verdadero Padre y Maestro.
Poseía además the hallmark of our venerable and holy: a tender devotion, sensitive, deep filial to the Blessed Virgin.
His death so much work, preaching, prayer vigils, fasting and penance, had ruined his health so that, having only 59, appeared as an octogenarian. The previous-suffering esclorosis progressed, recurring congestion, and yet with untold jobs, and with great comfort of his soul, he was happy to say Mass, he did not lose until days before his death. The latest congestion
assailed him when he was in front of the Blessed Virgin, commending her for a moment tender fervor and devotion, shedding in the presence of effusions of his soul. During the days that followed, the Crucifix, which pressed on his heart during the lifetime dream, it fell from his limp hand and pictures of the Blessed Virgin were not separated, as a shield for his bosom, and received the Holy Sacrament and Benediction Apostó1ica and recommendation of the soul, expired peacefully in the Lord, on November 5, at 9 o'clock and fifteen in the morning, surrounded, like a patriarch, for all his children.
spreading the news of his death, were innumerable people who marched to visit the corpse, which was exposed in the lower choir of the church, watched constantly by religious members of his family and faithful, and covered with flowers. The Province of Andalucía, through the Provincial Minister, worked from the first moment of his death so that the body was buried in the crypt under the church choir, efforts to which joined the City and people of Castro del Río. EI
day 6 were held solemn funeral, mourning the Illustrious presiding. Mr. Vicar General, D. Jerome wardrobe, the PRM Provincial, Father Juan Bautista de Ardales, the Guardian of the Capuchin MRP, the Superior of the Capuchin Tertiary Two-Sisters Reformatory and Seville, the trustee of the Convent, Francisco Ayala, nephews of the deceased and the Minister of the Venerable Third Order and Director of the Provincial D. Manuel Portillo. EI funeral officiated as our brothers, the Franciscan Fathers of San Buenaventura, singing the Mass MRP Leocadio Cárdenas, attending the Carmelite Fathers, Salesians, Escolapios, Parents of the Jesuits, Dominicans, Pa ¬ ents of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sisters of Christian Doctrine and numerous personalities and faithful. On Friday we proceeded to embalm the body, a prerequisite to be buried in the crypt, which carried out the optional Mr. Peñalosa and Romero, Delegate to Mr. Shepherd. EI
Saturday 8 second funeral was held, and on Monday the third, after which they proceeded to bury the corpse, Provincial MRP officiating, assisted by the Warden of San Buenaventura, Charles MRP and MRP Leocadio Villacampa Cárdenas , singing, the office of burial and thereupon proceeding to the burial.
One of the streets of this town takes its name, perhaps one of the most peculiar of Castro, known by the name of "ladders." In this short road trip, where we found only until recently, five or six houses in one of them, right down to the penultimate Fray Pedro was born. I met reminded the board that such an event and his most important work: Creator of the Capuchin Order in Santo Domingo, this board disappeared into reform of the housing.
La Calle Fray Pedro de Castro or "ladders" for its appearance and its location is the best known of Castro, joins wicket slabs down the street, part of the Barrio Bajo, slide and Convent Street more important, perhaps the municipality. La Tercia (but not street race.)
Without being forbidden, this is not heavily traveled by vehicles, limiting access practically neighbors.
In the last section to the left until recently has been the building and playground last summer movies Castro del Río. The Lyceum (The cinema of the Ladder).
This film definitely stopped working about eight years ago, after enduring agony cinéphiles sporadic activities. The last organized by the city council and county council.
family still live in the Fray Pedro Castro jealously guarding the most important possessions, personally known to the holder of the rosary.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Leather Bracelets You Can Personalize
Motion IU against pension reform IU
Monzón, February 8, 2011. IU
Monzón, labor representative in the City of Monzón, Miguel Aso, has filed a motion to be discussed at the next Full Council in requesting that the local council, is positioned in a manner contrary to pension reform, urging the Government of Spain to "the withdrawal of the pension reform measures as lengthening the retirement age and the extension of the minimum contribution to qualify for a full pension" .
also urged the motion to "stay the 65-35-15 model: 65 years maximum retirement age, 35 years maximum contribution period to access the maximum pension of Social Security and 15 years of computing time minimum access to retirement. "
IU Councilman Miguel Aso, said that this motion has IU in the City of Monsoon is "Similar to many that the organization is presenting in the municipalities where it has representation and fundamental aims that since the municipalities are told the Government of Spain that is on a path away from strengthening the pension system and proclaims, is setting up the pension welfare, youth and women away to the right to charge a decent pension, reducing overall average 20% of pension to be received. "
Councilman Miguel Aso has said that "women's employment in Spain is characterized by a high rate of temporary and partial recruitment, with reduced hours to reconcile work and family life, which will make woman is experiencing serious difficulties to reach 38.5 years of contribution period and something like that happen to young people too often find very high rates of temporary employment and unemployment. Finally
Miguel Aso has said that "these measures are only intended to please the financial speculators for English banks to be a lot of money presented to property development, to capitalize from the Pension Plans. Today has a social security reserve fund until this year crisis has generated surpluses and pension plans that are losing money from the government's commitment. This is the world upside down " Councilman completed.

Monzón, February 8, 2011. IU
Monzón, labor representative in the City of Monzón, Miguel Aso, has filed a motion to be discussed at the next Full Council in requesting that the local council, is positioned in a manner contrary to pension reform, urging the Government of Spain to "the withdrawal of the pension reform measures as lengthening the retirement age and the extension of the minimum contribution to qualify for a full pension" .
also urged the motion to "stay the 65-35-15 model: 65 years maximum retirement age, 35 years maximum contribution period to access the maximum pension of Social Security and 15 years of computing time minimum access to retirement. "
IU Councilman Miguel Aso, said that this motion has IU in the City of Monsoon is "Similar to many that the organization is presenting in the municipalities where it has representation and fundamental aims that since the municipalities are told the Government of Spain that is on a path away from strengthening the pension system and proclaims, is setting up the pension welfare, youth and women away to the right to charge a decent pension, reducing overall average 20% of pension to be received. "
Councilman Miguel Aso has said that "women's employment in Spain is characterized by a high rate of temporary and partial recruitment, with reduced hours to reconcile work and family life, which will make woman is experiencing serious difficulties to reach 38.5 years of contribution period and something like that happen to young people too often find very high rates of temporary employment and unemployment. Finally
Miguel Aso has said that "these measures are only intended to please the financial speculators for English banks to be a lot of money presented to property development, to capitalize from the Pension Plans. Today has a social security reserve fund until this year crisis has generated surpluses and pension plans that are losing money from the government's commitment. This is the world upside down " Councilman completed.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Best Cheesecake In Beijing
The shape of the shoe.
Two hundred and thirty-odd years after the imprisonment of Cervantes in the village of Castro del Río (1592) are repeated many of the ingredients in a very different story.
According collect on the literary adventures of Don Bartolo Gallardete Extremadura angry. Written by Antonio Zapata Lupi. A book of 52 pages published in Cadiz in 1851. Lupien
Zapata was the pseudonym of Adolfo de Castro and the notebook was a satire in defense of his work was denounced as false by Bartholomew Gallardo, who did see the deception, revealing that it was crazy quilt scholar (phrases and fragments of others) of well-known literary golden.
The literary struggle of these two scholars of the time Cervantes had a great impact on holders of literature, journalism, politics and religion.
Adolfo de Castro, of great culture and great reader of English classics. He was mayor and governor of Cádiz Cádiz and Huelva. Secretary to the Government in Seville, academic of Letters of Seville and Cadiz Fine Arts and for the Royal Academy of Language, History and Moral and Political Sciences.
And on the other hand we find the controversial Bartolome Jose Gallardo, was a liberal Republican and anticlerical to the end of his life, a passionate bibliophile, librarian of the Parliament. In a style somewhat effeminate because of his love for pure, traditional antiques and archaisms of language. Stood out as a satirical journalist during the period of the Cortes of Cadiz and worked his liberal reputation exalted, he composed many pamphlets to attack the traditionalists and lovers of political compromise.
Some have seen in this comparison reflects the two schools that participated in Las Cortes de Cádiz. Liberal and Absolutist.
in 1820 Upon the triumph of the liberals, Gallardo returned to Madrid and was reinstated in his old job as librarian of the Courts. In 1823 he returned to Cadiz Gallardo absolutist reaction to occur. The following year he moved to Seville, where he was arrested and jailed.
On his stay in Castro del Río find an excellent job: http://decastroero.blogspot.com/2010/11/historiografia-castrena-del-xix-fray . In Albert Gay.
Having made the presentations back to the beginning of this post and I return to the matches with the stay of the author of Don Quixote.
The clash of these two figures is because of a work of Cervantes . The Cracker. And
suffered imprisonment in Castro Gallardo River.
Angry in the history of Lupien says. "From the prison of Seville a short time it took on a donkey , not to give with a whip to make him good poppy in the back, but to move to Castro train River.
railroaded Then it was a good dungeon desconsoladísimo Gallardete, seeing they were days and days without being able to come in this sad abode read books and play claw. More
calmed down a bit soon amusing to invent a new spelling ... ... So the word that one or theft, writing in his place qe. And so pleased to become a robber received no roads and intersections, but the letters "...
's stay in Castro was not like the troublemaker Zapata, because if they had access to books.
History has brought each one in its place. Adolfo de Castro has been an author apocryphal.
Two hundred and thirty-odd years after the imprisonment of Cervantes in the village of Castro del Río (1592) are repeated many of the ingredients in a very different story.
According collect on the literary adventures of Don Bartolo Gallardete Extremadura angry. Written by Antonio Zapata Lupi. A book of 52 pages published in Cadiz in 1851. Lupien
Zapata was the pseudonym of Adolfo de Castro and the notebook was a satire in defense of his work was denounced as false by Bartholomew Gallardo, who did see the deception, revealing that it was crazy quilt scholar (phrases and fragments of others) of well-known literary golden.
The literary struggle of these two scholars of the time Cervantes had a great impact on holders of literature, journalism, politics and religion.
Adolfo de Castro, of great culture and great reader of English classics. He was mayor and governor of Cádiz Cádiz and Huelva. Secretary to the Government in Seville, academic of Letters of Seville and Cadiz Fine Arts and for the Royal Academy of Language, History and Moral and Political Sciences.
And on the other hand we find the controversial Bartolome Jose Gallardo, was a liberal Republican and anticlerical to the end of his life, a passionate bibliophile, librarian of the Parliament. In a style somewhat effeminate because of his love for pure, traditional antiques and archaisms of language. Stood out as a satirical journalist during the period of the Cortes of Cadiz and worked his liberal reputation exalted, he composed many pamphlets to attack the traditionalists and lovers of political compromise.
Some have seen in this comparison reflects the two schools that participated in Las Cortes de Cádiz. Liberal and Absolutist.
in 1820 Upon the triumph of the liberals, Gallardo returned to Madrid and was reinstated in his old job as librarian of the Courts. In 1823 he returned to Cadiz Gallardo absolutist reaction to occur. The following year he moved to Seville, where he was arrested and jailed.
On his stay in Castro del Río find an excellent job: http://decastroero.blogspot.com/2010/11/historiografia-castrena-del-xix-fray . In Albert Gay.
Having made the presentations back to the beginning of this post and I return to the matches with the stay of the author of Don Quixote.
The clash of these two figures is because of a work of Cervantes . The Cracker. And
suffered imprisonment in Castro Gallardo River.
Angry in the history of Lupien says. "From the prison of Seville a short time it took on a donkey , not to give with a whip to make him good poppy in the back, but to move to Castro train River.
railroaded Then it was a good dungeon desconsoladísimo Gallardete, seeing they were days and days without being able to come in this sad abode read books and play claw. More
calmed down a bit soon amusing to invent a new spelling ... ... So the word that one or theft, writing in his place qe. And so pleased to become a robber received no roads and intersections, but the letters "...
's stay in Castro was not like the troublemaker Zapata, because if they had access to books.
History has brought each one in its place. Adolfo de Castro has been an author apocryphal.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Cartier Paris Quartzswiss20 61323
Middle Cinca the basis for the preparation of a new electoral program
Monzón, February 5, 2011.
Middle Cinca Izquierda Unida, was in on Friday afternoon, a new meeting to review in addition to local and regional situation, steps were taken to ensure progress towards preparing the upcoming electoral process and specifically on the day of planing yesterday approved the working face to the preparation of the program which will go to the municipal and regional elections.
Thus IU approved to split the work group program 6. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICES AND WOMEN. CULTURE, YOUTH, Holidays and celebrations. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION and finally REGION THROUGH ZINC. IU Coordinator Cinca Medio, Forradellas Rafa said "IU is an assembly-which aims to collectively seek solutions away from politicians and the intention is to complete the work so that each of us and the citizens who wish , can give us ideas, so that eventually we can approve a programmatic document group in the face of upcoming elections.
and also because the organization works in the current social reality, was approved unanimously, to issue a position again UI contrary to the pension reform, considering all unnecessary lights and down for all workers, for which IU this coming Monday presented a motion in the City of Monsoon and the Comarca del Cinca Medio.

Monzón, February 5, 2011.
Middle Cinca Izquierda Unida, was in on Friday afternoon, a new meeting to review in addition to local and regional situation, steps were taken to ensure progress towards preparing the upcoming electoral process and specifically on the day of planing yesterday approved the working face to the preparation of the program which will go to the municipal and regional elections.
Thus IU approved to split the work group program 6. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICES AND WOMEN. CULTURE, YOUTH, Holidays and celebrations. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION and finally REGION THROUGH ZINC. IU Coordinator Cinca Medio, Forradellas Rafa said "IU is an assembly-which aims to collectively seek solutions away from politicians and the intention is to complete the work so that each of us and the citizens who wish , can give us ideas, so that eventually we can approve a programmatic document group in the face of upcoming elections.
and also because the organization works in the current social reality, was approved unanimously, to issue a position again UI contrary to the pension reform, considering all unnecessary lights and down for all workers, for which IU this coming Monday presented a motion in the City of Monsoon and the Comarca del Cinca Medio.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Motivational Postcards
La Candelaria and San Blas. For dinner one cartujita
Today, I've been saying! Have if I have time and then throw fire "virtually" Candlemas. I have bundled with it and try to burn before the end of the day .
not know the origins of the celebration of the Candelaria and San Blas in this town. Could entangle the legend and seek its beginnings in the town to the settlement (of a parcel) of the Templars in this town at the time of the reconquest. Thing that occurred.
The beginnings of these parties are clearly Christian, may find these celebrations around the country, but also, I have to add that the conclusion of two days is produced in fewer locations.
The Candlemas, Light or Candlemas is celebrated according to the timetable or Catholic saints on February 2 to commemorate the passage of the Presentation Child Jesus and the purification of the Virgin Mary after the birth. Its beginnings could be traced to the fifteenth century. There is evidence that Rome is blessed candles in S. IX.
Castro del Rio in have a peculiarity. The burning of an effigy, standing on a wooden chariot-style scarecrow orchards Castro (now disappeared) in the fire.
Oral testimony we have of older Candlemas are given by the material that was used to burn, old straining the mills, oil impregnated produced a good campfire. The cagarrache the whole campaign was saving for this day.
I was part of a group of youngsters that we were doing. At that time the mats were in decline or were difficult to obtain.
In the Candelaria where I participated there was no known environmental awareness. The material of our candles vehicle tires was basically engaged in a high beam it to the shaft. Was the material at hand I got in the Alley of the Wolf, not to throw us privábamos Uralita pieces to creak while the fire. These fires came to be banned, I think rather that it was for the black smoke they produced, rather than the protection of the atmosphere. Another custom
there was little grace for the makers of Candlemas, for after many days to carry fuel getting montándosla material, came from other neighborhoods and rob you of the material collected or worse. He set fire to a few days before burning without an audience.
Today the urchins have been replaced in assembling associations that have seen fit to bring to the ceremony, drinks, land and rich dishes.
The drawback is that it has happened to the Saturday closest leaving the day early. So has the stork. But the point remains: to assist and purified by fire.
San Blas, the next day is celebrated with church participation. The mothers go to church to bless them with colored ribbons which tie a bagel, it will crash the child's neck. In honor of the patron saint of the throat.
"San Blas blessed that drowns the little angel."
seems that way to his martyrdom in the year 316 made a cure all very excited. A poor woman had her baby dying because he had undergone a fishbone in the throat. Ran to a spot where the saint was to pass. He knelt down and introduced him to the sick boy who was drowning. San Blas he placed his hands on the child's head and prayed for him. Spine immediately disappeared and the boy regained his health.
is customary that the threads are donated by bakers to their customers.
Tomorrow, I will go when you have them, photos of the threads.
those photos are here.
Today, I've been saying! Have if I have time and then throw fire "virtually" Candlemas. I have bundled with it and try to burn before the end of the day .
not know the origins of the celebration of the Candelaria and San Blas in this town. Could entangle the legend and seek its beginnings in the town to the settlement (of a parcel) of the Templars in this town at the time of the reconquest. Thing that occurred.
The beginnings of these parties are clearly Christian, may find these celebrations around the country, but also, I have to add that the conclusion of two days is produced in fewer locations.
The Candlemas, Light or Candlemas is celebrated according to the timetable or Catholic saints on February 2 to commemorate the passage of the Presentation Child Jesus and the purification of the Virgin Mary after the birth. Its beginnings could be traced to the fifteenth century. There is evidence that Rome is blessed candles in S. IX.
Castro del Rio in have a peculiarity. The burning of an effigy, standing on a wooden chariot-style scarecrow orchards Castro (now disappeared) in the fire.
Oral testimony we have of older Candlemas are given by the material that was used to burn, old straining the mills, oil impregnated produced a good campfire. The cagarrache the whole campaign was saving for this day.
I was part of a group of youngsters that we were doing. At that time the mats were in decline or were difficult to obtain.
In the Candelaria where I participated there was no known environmental awareness. The material of our candles vehicle tires was basically engaged in a high beam it to the shaft. Was the material at hand I got in the Alley of the Wolf, not to throw us privábamos Uralita pieces to creak while the fire. These fires came to be banned, I think rather that it was for the black smoke they produced, rather than the protection of the atmosphere. Another custom
there was little grace for the makers of Candlemas, for after many days to carry fuel getting montándosla material, came from other neighborhoods and rob you of the material collected or worse. He set fire to a few days before burning without an audience.
Today the urchins have been replaced in assembling associations that have seen fit to bring to the ceremony, drinks, land and rich dishes.
The drawback is that it has happened to the Saturday closest leaving the day early. So has the stork. But the point remains: to assist and purified by fire.
San Blas, the next day is celebrated with church participation. The mothers go to church to bless them with colored ribbons which tie a bagel, it will crash the child's neck. In honor of the patron saint of the throat.
"San Blas blessed that drowns the little angel."
seems that way to his martyrdom in the year 316 made a cure all very excited. A poor woman had her baby dying because he had undergone a fishbone in the throat. Ran to a spot where the saint was to pass. He knelt down and introduced him to the sick boy who was drowning. San Blas he placed his hands on the child's head and prayed for him. Spine immediately disappeared and the boy regained his health.
is customary that the threads are donated by bakers to their customers.
Tomorrow, I will go when you have them, photos of the threads.
those photos are here.
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