Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lasers In Grocery Stores

IU motion for closure of nuclear

Monzón, March 24, 2010.
IU has filed a motion at City Hall, calling for the closure of nuclear plants and a plan of restitution for renewable energy. Miguel

Aso, a councilman from IU in the City of Monsoon, has filed a motion in it, by requesting that

The Monsoon Full Council expresses its solidarity with the Japanese people and goes to Central Government requesting it to:

1 .- To order the decommissioning of the nuclear power Garoña arbitrating an urgent plan of socio-economic revitalization of the district of alternative employment for / as trajadores / as plant and maintain the productive activity of an alternative to closure Central.

2 .- Proceed to the precautionary closure subjected to a rigorous study of the safety of Almaraz, Asco and Cofrentes that but became operational in the 80's have technology of the previous decade.

3 .- Provide a timetable for the closure of all nuclear power plants along with a English energy plan to replace nuclear energy produced by renewable indigenous, socially and environmentally safer, create jobs and contribute decisively to self-sufficiency energy.

of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment of Spain.

Miguel Aso, city council has said that "this tragic event shows that nuclear plants pose a risk unaffordable and reaffirms our historical position to claim the closure of all nuclear power plants through a set schedule to spur the areas where these plants are closed and allow in turn gradually replace this source of energy. "

Finally, Councilman IU, said that "the state government has changed its mind about nuclear and allowed to continue functioning in the central Garoña 2013. This plant is launched in 1971 and is similar to the Japanese technology has made this accident, which we believe presents a risk unaffordable. "


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