The beginnings of the Brotherhood of the Aurora in Castro del Río
has started the ninth of Concepción, chanting for the call to the brothers the rosary will be heard nine nights, before sunrise, with the support of the moon, let them see this or is hidden behind the clouds, because Mary is more than the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.! celebrate it was pure from in the womb and that she is Queen of Heaven!
I am the brother of this brotherhood, which from time immemorial held the Conception of Mary and this year with more joy, as welcome as the Brother.
fate would have it this year because of a small incident can not join my brothers in the call to the faithful.
But, like an ill wind that blows no good, this temporary disability is giving me time to dwell in my other passion, history. It seems that fate sends a signal to me for comfort. These days I have had the luck to find some documents as showing that the party and songs that celebrate these days, started at least in the año1662.
I turn to the book of Francisco Morales and reread the chapter on Aurora, I am sympathetic attention in its Appendix, where he wrote occasionally arise between individuals old papers, documents related to it.
wore quite right. The new documents do not "talk" of the musical aspects, but note that the music was tied to the holiday.
In this book, Roots, information is collected from the beginning date of these choirs campanilleros in the opinion of José Blas Vega late seventeenth century.
is the date that is stated for the Brotherhood of Priego Montilla 1695 or 1703 and are in keeping with the birth of these groups in other provinces. Juan Aranda Doncel
provides a notarial which attests to the existence of the brotherhood in 1772.
With the data I extracted and I have the pleasure to show you, and others that may be obtained, we can ensure that the folk music festival of the ninth of the Conception in the village of Guadajoz, is the oldest, at least Andalusia.
The document in question is a sermon preached at the party bigger than the illustrious clergy of the Church of Castro del Rio, held at the Immaculate Conception of Mary Our Blessed Lady at the time of Pope Alexander VII. In PF
Benitez Ivan Zapata.
feast yourselves, prevent music, arrange neomonia or rejoicing in the birth of the moon, leaving this day by day qualified Solegnidad your flagship.
In these paragraphs we see that the schedule is set early.
Fiesta de la Concepcion of Mary be celebrated with any party, music dancing and rejoicing to have in the church.
refers to the sermon:
only, to bring four voices chime .......................... .................................................. ...
defuerte have a prayer if the vulgar (1) happy with the sound goes ..................
(1) Assembly of the common people without a culture and a high economic situation.
Pope approved and declared to be held in the whole Church the feast of the Conception ... prohibiting with penalties gravess Otherwise this statement
This publication has thirty-eight pages. They defend the purity of the Virgin.
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