The Cipote (1) Castro del Río.
The end of Castro del Rio is rich in deposits of Roman times. The survival of this population for many years has left a rich architectural heritage spread throughout our territory.
remains of Roman villas and towns of some importance are found scattered around our current core urban.
This significant concentration of people was due to the many farms mainly engaged in the production of grain and oil. Constant demographics
important burials occurred around the towns.
Often these areas coincided with older Iberian period located in the surrounding hills and small valleys and always within sight of the settlement but away from them and near the roads. In this way they were accessible and visible, so it was inevitable to read the inscriptions of the tombs and the deceased would be remembered beyond death: "Stop a bit in your footsteps, I beg you, young peep, pilgrim, so that you can meet my fate on my enrollment dismal," "You, traveler, wish me, that the earth will be light." A very close is the Ibero-Roman necropolis Castro located in the foothills of the current cemetery.
Gradually the Iberian burial customs have long been forgotten by worshiping a new form of burial more Romanized.
Failure to perform funeral rites, such as not to bury the dead, for it meant the impossibility of reaching the world of the dead and unable to return to the world of the living, would find themselves caught between two worlds, taking an attitude of revenge toward the living.
Some also preferred to be buried in his properties. Although it was forbidden burial in fertile soil, this was not fulfilled.
A proclamation from the V century BC to the Law of the Twelve Tables was established strict prohibition to carry out burials within the city, constituting the walled city as a real border between the living world and the world of the dead. Only certain characters emperors and social relevance had the privilege of being buried in intramural fields, like children who died with less than 40 days.
These laws gave way to local ordinances such as the prohibition of burying or burning funeral pyres within 500 steps of the walls. The reasons given were to meet hygiene regulations, legal, cultural, religious and security.
Space organization funeral was handled by local magistrates. Pursuing the space, soil preparation with bite ashlar pillars and placing markers to define the place.
The practice of indicating the area through Inscribed pillars funeral or wake is well documented since the second half of the first century BC C. As is clear from a speech of Cicero and a passage from Horace.
In the vicinity of Castro del Rio Alto Mill area was discovered cipo quite important. The funerary inscription mentions the locus sepulchri largest known for the peninsula, a funerary enclosure of about 3000m2, read in conjunction with a possible village house, CIL, II ² / 5, 403 (2)
The recesses present in the bottom the same preparation to host show stakes that encircle this vast area of \u200b\u200bland.
(1) Cipote.
(De cipo).
1. m. Stone marker.
2. m. Awkward man, goofy, silly.
3. m. Fat man chubby.
4. m. club (stick ‖).
5. m. Drum stick.
6. m. vulg. penis.
7. m. And. Blockhead, chump, wedge
8. m. Col. U. t. on sat. ponder. Cipote mess!, Cock sheath!
9. m. Ven. U. to insult someone without naming it.
(2) ficha.HD-number: HD002740
individual responsible: Graef last update: 2007-05-23 status of the EDH-version: AE corresponds to reading
province checked with photo: modern country Baetica : Spain Region: Córdoba
find spot (Ancient name): find spot (modern name): Castro del Río, bei find spot (street, etc.): The Mill High - The Polish
zwischen date: specific: 1 - 100
literature: AE 1984, 0536.
JF Rodríguez Neila, Habis 14, 1983, 178-192, Nr 5, pl. 6c
you - AE 1984. CIL
02 (2. Aufl.) 05, 00403; picture. Externe
Photo (s): cilii5, 00403.jpg PH0005353.jpg
A-Text: L (ocus) in border / p (edes) CCXXV et / in agro p (edes) CL.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Chinese Curry Chicken Nutrition
The beginnings of the Brotherhood of the Aurora in Castro del Río
has started the ninth of Concepción, chanting for the call to the brothers the rosary will be heard nine nights, before sunrise, with the support of the moon, let them see this or is hidden behind the clouds, because Mary is more than the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.! celebrate it was pure from in the womb and that she is Queen of Heaven!
I am the brother of this brotherhood, which from time immemorial held the Conception of Mary and this year with more joy, as welcome as the Brother.
fate would have it this year because of a small incident can not join my brothers in the call to the faithful.
But, like an ill wind that blows no good, this temporary disability is giving me time to dwell in my other passion, history. It seems that fate sends a signal to me for comfort. These days I have had the luck to find some documents as showing that the party and songs that celebrate these days, started at least in the año1662.
I turn to the book of Francisco Morales and reread the chapter on Aurora, I am sympathetic attention in its Appendix, where he wrote occasionally arise between individuals old papers, documents related to it.
wore quite right. The new documents do not "talk" of the musical aspects, but note that the music was tied to the holiday.
In this book, Roots, information is collected from the beginning date of these choirs campanilleros in the opinion of José Blas Vega late seventeenth century.
is the date that is stated for the Brotherhood of Priego Montilla 1695 or 1703 and are in keeping with the birth of these groups in other provinces. Juan Aranda Doncel
provides a notarial which attests to the existence of the brotherhood in 1772.
With the data I extracted and I have the pleasure to show you, and others that may be obtained, we can ensure that the folk music festival of the ninth of the Conception in the village of Guadajoz, is the oldest, at least Andalusia.
The document in question is a sermon preached at the party bigger than the illustrious clergy of the Church of Castro del Rio, held at the Immaculate Conception of Mary Our Blessed Lady at the time of Pope Alexander VII. In PF
Benitez Ivan Zapata.
feast yourselves, prevent music, arrange neomonia or rejoicing in the birth of the moon, leaving this day by day qualified Solegnidad your flagship.
In these paragraphs we see that the schedule is set early.
Fiesta de la Concepcion of Mary be celebrated with any party, music dancing and rejoicing to have in the church.
refers to the sermon:
only, to bring four voices chime .......................... .................................................. ...
defuerte have a prayer if the vulgar (1) happy with the sound goes ..................
(1) Assembly of the common people without a culture and a high economic situation.
Pope approved and declared to be held in the whole Church the feast of the Conception ... prohibiting with penalties gravess Otherwise this statement
This publication has thirty-eight pages. They defend the purity of the Virgin.
has started the ninth of Concepción, chanting for the call to the brothers the rosary will be heard nine nights, before sunrise, with the support of the moon, let them see this or is hidden behind the clouds, because Mary is more than the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.! celebrate it was pure from in the womb and that she is Queen of Heaven!
I am the brother of this brotherhood, which from time immemorial held the Conception of Mary and this year with more joy, as welcome as the Brother.
fate would have it this year because of a small incident can not join my brothers in the call to the faithful.
But, like an ill wind that blows no good, this temporary disability is giving me time to dwell in my other passion, history. It seems that fate sends a signal to me for comfort. These days I have had the luck to find some documents as showing that the party and songs that celebrate these days, started at least in the año1662.
I turn to the book of Francisco Morales and reread the chapter on Aurora, I am sympathetic attention in its Appendix, where he wrote occasionally arise between individuals old papers, documents related to it.
wore quite right. The new documents do not "talk" of the musical aspects, but note that the music was tied to the holiday.
In this book, Roots, information is collected from the beginning date of these choirs campanilleros in the opinion of José Blas Vega late seventeenth century.
is the date that is stated for the Brotherhood of Priego Montilla 1695 or 1703 and are in keeping with the birth of these groups in other provinces. Juan Aranda Doncel
provides a notarial which attests to the existence of the brotherhood in 1772.
With the data I extracted and I have the pleasure to show you, and others that may be obtained, we can ensure that the folk music festival of the ninth of the Conception in the village of Guadajoz, is the oldest, at least Andalusia.
The document in question is a sermon preached at the party bigger than the illustrious clergy of the Church of Castro del Rio, held at the Immaculate Conception of Mary Our Blessed Lady at the time of Pope Alexander VII. In PF
Benitez Ivan Zapata.
feast yourselves, prevent music, arrange neomonia or rejoicing in the birth of the moon, leaving this day by day qualified Solegnidad your flagship.
In these paragraphs we see that the schedule is set early.
Fiesta de la Concepcion of Mary be celebrated with any party, music dancing and rejoicing to have in the church.
refers to the sermon:
only, to bring four voices chime .......................... .................................................. ...
defuerte have a prayer if the vulgar (1) happy with the sound goes ..................
(1) Assembly of the common people without a culture and a high economic situation.
Pope approved and declared to be held in the whole Church the feast of the Conception ... prohibiting with penalties gravess Otherwise this statement
This publication has thirty-eight pages. They defend the purity of the Virgin.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Top Speed For A Stock Honda Trx400ex
now in this beginning, we will discuss a finding that was made about fifteen or twenty years.
will leave all of the same information, I have some advantage because I was lucky to have the piece in my hands, even I photographed ... Photography remember having stuck between the blade of a book, and is now defunct.
At that time I did a story about a gold ring type seal with the image and caption Napoleon III. It was the size of the hand of a teenager or woman.
The finding, incidental, there was a mile or so from the N-432 to the path of Montilla, when faenero were farmers a stranger.
This new post will be different than the previous. I want to offer participation to history buffs and amateur researchers. Everyone can wear their bit. Together we will solve the enigma.
What makes this town a piece of Napoleon III? Who was it? What is your relationship with Castro? With Spain?
begin my work looking for information on people who can intervene. Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie.
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (Paris, 1808 - England, 1873), President of the Republic and Emperor of France. He was the nephew of the first Napoleon, and perhaps his natural son.
In his youth he had a career as a liberal conspirator. The Revolution of 1848 established the Second Republic in France. The restoration of universal suffrage in a predominantly peasant gave him electoral success became first-and only president of the Second Republic in 1848.
In 1851 she starred in a coup designed to perpetuate itself in office against the constitutional requirements, then blow that passed overwhelmingly won a plebiscite. He had begun his style of government, consisting of a mixture of authoritarianism in his person restoring the imperial dignity hereditary prince who had been named president then went to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French.
On January 20, 1853 he married Eugenia de Montijo English. He
Second Empire (1852-1970) a very significant stage in the process of industrialization in France.
The defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870) was complete, falling even Emperor prisoner of the Prussian army at the Battle of Sedan, also suitable for the fall of the French government.
Once released, the former emperor took refuge in England, from where he continued proclaiming the virtues of Bonapartism and claiming their rights to the throne, he never abdicated. The controversial and ambiguous dictator died three years later.
Palafox Maria Eugenia Portocarrero y Kirkpatrick, Countess of Teba, better known as Eugenia de Montijo was born in 1826 in Granada, in a family of ancient nobility of Andalusia.
one failed love, her mother decided take her to Paris, where he could forget and maybe find another suitor. They were not misguided because in fact, she noticed nothing more and nothing less than the future Emperor Napoleon III.
Their romance was a scandal in the French capital, and what began as a whim, thanks to the ability of Eugenia and her mother, ended in marriage.
played with a sense of responsibility for his role as Empress of France, perhaps too much. She believed that women, with good preparation, was as able as men to participate in politics, something evident today, but absolutely revolutionary at the time. Thus began participating in making decisions and influence the mood of her husband.
Some unfortunate decisions, such as intervention in Mexico or the Franco-Prussian War, which resulted in a resounding defeat, brought down the Empire and with it, Eugene.
had to seek asylum in England, where he waited for her husband, who was completely humiliated after the disaster of Sedan. At his death, she wept long, consoling his son, the heir of the house of Napoleon.
the emperor's death in 1873, Eugenia retired to a villa in Biarritz where he lived away from the affairs of French politics. His life took dyes romantic tragedy when his only son died in South Africa in 1879, killed by the Zulus. Genealogically connected with the House of Alba, occasionally stayed at the Palace of Liria and Dueñas palace in Seville. Some of his belongings, including paintings and furniture, fell into the hands of Alba.
The former empress died at half past eight of 11 July 1920 at age 94 in the Liria Palace in Madrid during one of his visits to Spain, his native country. His death resulted from an attack of uremia. She is buried in the imperial crypt beside her husband and son.
I searched the net, for if there were links with these two characters and location, not found any indication, including trips that would have made for the neighboring provinces, giving a negative result is only a reference to the protection of the Chapels of Cordoba by Eugenia de Montijo.
It is unlikely that any trip that does not know Castro had spent about to go to Granada for example (I have not found any visit) and more unlikely that the path taken was the Camino de Montilla, impracticable for a vehicle at the time.
Then I turn my interest was the ring. Who could take a real ring?
One of the oldest forms of amulet is the ring. Rich and powerful planets rings representing deities or registrations of protection, or as protective talismans, or as lavish symbol of divine power, but also as a decorative element as part of personal trousseau.
rings have evolved to the beat of man, and thousands of purposes. Today, most are mere ornaments, but we must not forget that the possession of so important a ring bearer was a recognition, an important cache addition to serving as a pass for the trip.
Many of the nobles of the court of Empress go to Seville, one of the places of refuge for Eugenia de Montijo.
find two details that lead me I think the most accurate theory. The first is that a person close to the emperor what could have been used as safe passage, the second, and I think more important was the love of archeology and the study of military and political exploits of Julius Caesar by Napoleon III, the father of modern archeology in France.
Such was the admiration of the emperor thought that Bonaparte and Caesar were two sides of the same coin. Napoleon's historical work was based on recognizing, identifying and excavating the sites described by Caesar. The was the only time I had the financial resources and diplomatic clout to move through the Mediterranean.
For Cesar movements in the battle of Munda sent Colonel Stoffel in 1863. Received the collaboration of English soldiers in cartographic items. This project is so large due to involve more experts in France. Excavations were conducted by the province of Cordoba. The nearest mirror around and Montilla.
I found it became part of the founding collection of the National Archaeological Museum with the name of "Ministry of War."
Montilla The road is plagued mirror towards villages and fields Romans.
So no doubt be very popular with the French Embassy in search of information about the battle of Soricaria; held very close to our village (in another direction in my theory.)
So ended concluding that the ring was lost by a character from the court of the Emperor in these expeditions.
now in this beginning, we will discuss a finding that was made about fifteen or twenty years.
will leave all of the same information, I have some advantage because I was lucky to have the piece in my hands, even I photographed ... Photography remember having stuck between the blade of a book, and is now defunct.
At that time I did a story about a gold ring type seal with the image and caption Napoleon III. It was the size of the hand of a teenager or woman.
The finding, incidental, there was a mile or so from the N-432 to the path of Montilla, when faenero were farmers a stranger.
This new post will be different than the previous. I want to offer participation to history buffs and amateur researchers. Everyone can wear their bit. Together we will solve the enigma.
What makes this town a piece of Napoleon III? Who was it? What is your relationship with Castro? With Spain?
begin my work looking for information on people who can intervene. Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie.
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (Paris, 1808 - England, 1873), President of the Republic and Emperor of France. He was the nephew of the first Napoleon, and perhaps his natural son.
In his youth he had a career as a liberal conspirator. The Revolution of 1848 established the Second Republic in France. The restoration of universal suffrage in a predominantly peasant gave him electoral success became first-and only president of the Second Republic in 1848.
In 1851 she starred in a coup designed to perpetuate itself in office against the constitutional requirements, then blow that passed overwhelmingly won a plebiscite. He had begun his style of government, consisting of a mixture of authoritarianism in his person restoring the imperial dignity hereditary prince who had been named president then went to Napoleon III, Emperor of the French.
On January 20, 1853 he married Eugenia de Montijo English. He
Second Empire (1852-1970) a very significant stage in the process of industrialization in France.
The defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870) was complete, falling even Emperor prisoner of the Prussian army at the Battle of Sedan, also suitable for the fall of the French government.
Once released, the former emperor took refuge in England, from where he continued proclaiming the virtues of Bonapartism and claiming their rights to the throne, he never abdicated. The controversial and ambiguous dictator died three years later.
Palafox Maria Eugenia Portocarrero y Kirkpatrick, Countess of Teba, better known as Eugenia de Montijo was born in 1826 in Granada, in a family of ancient nobility of Andalusia.
one failed love, her mother decided take her to Paris, where he could forget and maybe find another suitor. They were not misguided because in fact, she noticed nothing more and nothing less than the future Emperor Napoleon III.
Their romance was a scandal in the French capital, and what began as a whim, thanks to the ability of Eugenia and her mother, ended in marriage.
played with a sense of responsibility for his role as Empress of France, perhaps too much. She believed that women, with good preparation, was as able as men to participate in politics, something evident today, but absolutely revolutionary at the time. Thus began participating in making decisions and influence the mood of her husband.
Some unfortunate decisions, such as intervention in Mexico or the Franco-Prussian War, which resulted in a resounding defeat, brought down the Empire and with it, Eugene.
had to seek asylum in England, where he waited for her husband, who was completely humiliated after the disaster of Sedan. At his death, she wept long, consoling his son, the heir of the house of Napoleon.
the emperor's death in 1873, Eugenia retired to a villa in Biarritz where he lived away from the affairs of French politics. His life took dyes romantic tragedy when his only son died in South Africa in 1879, killed by the Zulus. Genealogically connected with the House of Alba, occasionally stayed at the Palace of Liria and Dueñas palace in Seville. Some of his belongings, including paintings and furniture, fell into the hands of Alba.
The former empress died at half past eight of 11 July 1920 at age 94 in the Liria Palace in Madrid during one of his visits to Spain, his native country. His death resulted from an attack of uremia. She is buried in the imperial crypt beside her husband and son.
I searched the net, for if there were links with these two characters and location, not found any indication, including trips that would have made for the neighboring provinces, giving a negative result is only a reference to the protection of the Chapels of Cordoba by Eugenia de Montijo.
It is unlikely that any trip that does not know Castro had spent about to go to Granada for example (I have not found any visit) and more unlikely that the path taken was the Camino de Montilla, impracticable for a vehicle at the time.
Then I turn my interest was the ring. Who could take a real ring?
One of the oldest forms of amulet is the ring. Rich and powerful planets rings representing deities or registrations of protection, or as protective talismans, or as lavish symbol of divine power, but also as a decorative element as part of personal trousseau.
rings have evolved to the beat of man, and thousands of purposes. Today, most are mere ornaments, but we must not forget that the possession of so important a ring bearer was a recognition, an important cache addition to serving as a pass for the trip.
Many of the nobles of the court of Empress go to Seville, one of the places of refuge for Eugenia de Montijo.
find two details that lead me I think the most accurate theory. The first is that a person close to the emperor what could have been used as safe passage, the second, and I think more important was the love of archeology and the study of military and political exploits of Julius Caesar by Napoleon III, the father of modern archeology in France.
Such was the admiration of the emperor thought that Bonaparte and Caesar were two sides of the same coin. Napoleon's historical work was based on recognizing, identifying and excavating the sites described by Caesar. The was the only time I had the financial resources and diplomatic clout to move through the Mediterranean.
For Cesar movements in the battle of Munda sent Colonel Stoffel in 1863. Received the collaboration of English soldiers in cartographic items. This project is so large due to involve more experts in France. Excavations were conducted by the province of Cordoba. The nearest mirror around and Montilla.
I found it became part of the founding collection of the National Archaeological Museum with the name of "Ministry of War."
Montilla The road is plagued mirror towards villages and fields Romans.
So no doubt be very popular with the French Embassy in search of information about the battle of Soricaria; held very close to our village (in another direction in my theory.)
So ended concluding that the ring was lost by a character from the court of the Emperor in these expeditions.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How Much Does January Jones Get Paid
Trade Union Congress.
Castro del Rio in 1918 was proclaimed the capital of Cordoba unionism succeed the November strike action the same year.
On June 4 declaring a general strike that paralyzed the entire left the countryside, and 18 of the same sign in the ground work Castro. Accept all requests. They were prepared secretly union Congress from 25 to 27 October in the town.
This was held at the premises of the Instructional Center and went and joined almost all the countryside syndicalist organizations, some Socialists and several surrounding provinces. In total thirty-seven.
Local workers come in a depression at this conference after losing for the first time a strike organized by the Center . The Sept. 20. His approach was absurd, the field does not need any urgent work, the province was quiet, and in those days could concentrate abundant civil guard forces. So at twenty days, the workers give up without achieving any improvement.
To avoid falling into these errors but was signed at this meeting among others, an agreement not to terminate any strike until it was resolved.
The most important points that were set were: 1 .-
complete abolition of piecework for both sexes. 2 .-
wage fixing to each other during the winter season would be set independently in each locality for their workers' centers. 3 .-
before reaching a strike would be administered by delegates of all the county workers to approve the ground work for each village.
4 .- What if it was justified because a people to strike, the workers 'organizations represented at the conference would send, if it was about the people on strike, workers' committees at all sites where workers are employed. 5 .-
until the land is not for those who work will be required of municipalities, government ministries and employment of all unemployed.
6 .- Implementation of the daily maximum of eight hours for factory workers of oil.
7 .- apply the Occupational Accidents Act to field worker.
8 .- That people are self-employed to request or compel employers to recognize workers' societies.
9 .- Do not place any outsider workers while some of the town had stopped.
10 .- That the joint attacks were presented to employers in the same working day basis.
is rare supply this information to us and not Bernaldo de Quiros Juan Díaz del Moral; you may come to hand of the latter or Social Reform Institute where he worked.
From these bases could pick imteresantes points of discussion. The treatment of foreigners at the local, the weight had stopped within the unions and piecework.
Trade Union Congress.
Castro del Rio in 1918 was proclaimed the capital of Cordoba unionism succeed the November strike action the same year.
On June 4 declaring a general strike that paralyzed the entire left the countryside, and 18 of the same sign in the ground work Castro. Accept all requests. They were prepared secretly union Congress from 25 to 27 October in the town.
This was held at the premises of the Instructional Center and went and joined almost all the countryside syndicalist organizations, some Socialists and several surrounding provinces. In total thirty-seven.
Local workers come in a depression at this conference after losing for the first time a strike organized by the Center . The Sept. 20. His approach was absurd, the field does not need any urgent work, the province was quiet, and in those days could concentrate abundant civil guard forces. So at twenty days, the workers give up without achieving any improvement.
To avoid falling into these errors but was signed at this meeting among others, an agreement not to terminate any strike until it was resolved.
The most important points that were set were: 1 .-
complete abolition of piecework for both sexes. 2 .-
wage fixing to each other during the winter season would be set independently in each locality for their workers' centers. 3 .-
before reaching a strike would be administered by delegates of all the county workers to approve the ground work for each village.
4 .- What if it was justified because a people to strike, the workers 'organizations represented at the conference would send, if it was about the people on strike, workers' committees at all sites where workers are employed. 5 .-
until the land is not for those who work will be required of municipalities, government ministries and employment of all unemployed.
6 .- Implementation of the daily maximum of eight hours for factory workers of oil.
7 .- apply the Occupational Accidents Act to field worker.
8 .- That people are self-employed to request or compel employers to recognize workers' societies.
9 .- Do not place any outsider workers while some of the town had stopped.
10 .- That the joint attacks were presented to employers in the same working day basis.
is rare supply this information to us and not Bernaldo de Quiros Juan Díaz del Moral; you may come to hand of the latter or Social Reform Institute where he worked.
From these bases could pick imteresantes points of discussion. The treatment of foreigners at the local, the weight had stopped within the unions and piecework.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Small Rash In Between Breasts
Monaguillo before friar.
Generational Change and three new altar boys, including me, these changes occur quite frequently within the oligarchy of the church, echo is the most widely produced. The life expectancy of the acolyte is quite short compared with that of an ordinary man. I think I have rushed to the maximum years. I do not remember when I joined this profession, I do not remember when he defected.
Do not think I'm going to tell my life as an altar boy because I do not remember or I do not remember half. The acolytes have such a pact, we hung the robe and let the experience back. It is like a secret society, yeah, yeah, ha, ha, but no one has anything.
remember my neighbor Joaquín Salido the olive furniture (I think this town is indebted to him) say: "This baby is going to become bishop, he should have to hear another, because when I go through the town I still say it. Others still, follow me saying "I have you in my photo Albun" or "You helped to get married" and so on.
If I remember I could write a book with stories, along with my colleagues, the parish club, relationship with colleagues del Carmen, visits to the domes and bell towers, the pay and tips etc. But my inspiration comes to me to have serious and responsible work of an acolyte.
For that I tried to remember Don Rafael Bravo (this priest say the same thing as my neighbor had a brother priest and pastor as well be you or higher, is not normal) and a mass of wet winter day ; flashers cuts, closures pulling the bell rope and little assistance. I said "today the Mass is in the shrine, light the candles in case the light goes again."
cruet and preparing the chalice (which was one of wrought gold), ensure that the cloth was stretched and right on the marble stone, carrying the missal and the site would have that played (more than once I was wrong , but said nothing). Then in that place so quiet and collected, put an ear to the letters of St. Paul to the Romans, the parables of Matthew and those stories that seemed to be reading a historical novel.
allowed him to prepare the clothes when the color of the chasuble changed, I explained, this color today is that we are on this date, etc. The journal was the green, always accompanied by his stole. When you open some of these giant crates appear so rare these hats worn by bishops, mitres, he had in all colors and more than once did not put them on in the head. We
developed with patience all that "wanted to know" and encouraged the use of objects no longer in use and that we pay too much attention, I remember a wooden board with metal handles and many moving it toward a lot of noise I think that was used for the day of the dead.
After the mass was collected the altar and the sacristy, the lights went out all the chapels and threw the bolt, back from the front door to the exit with all dark was courageous with these old, if we looked we saw an image of the chapel dimly lit by Velillas, and it was worse. We went for the plain sascritia to San Rafael where there was not a soul.
At the end of the month concerned have prepared the pay envelopes for all three. Put in mine. Acolyte Diego Luis. Diego L.
Urban Marble.
Generational Change and three new altar boys, including me, these changes occur quite frequently within the oligarchy of the church, echo is the most widely produced. The life expectancy of the acolyte is quite short compared with that of an ordinary man. I think I have rushed to the maximum years. I do not remember when I joined this profession, I do not remember when he defected.
Do not think I'm going to tell my life as an altar boy because I do not remember or I do not remember half. The acolytes have such a pact, we hung the robe and let the experience back. It is like a secret society, yeah, yeah, ha, ha, but no one has anything.
remember my neighbor Joaquín Salido the olive furniture (I think this town is indebted to him) say: "This baby is going to become bishop, he should have to hear another, because when I go through the town I still say it. Others still, follow me saying "I have you in my photo Albun" or "You helped to get married" and so on.
If I remember I could write a book with stories, along with my colleagues, the parish club, relationship with colleagues del Carmen, visits to the domes and bell towers, the pay and tips etc. But my inspiration comes to me to have serious and responsible work of an acolyte.
For that I tried to remember Don Rafael Bravo (this priest say the same thing as my neighbor had a brother priest and pastor as well be you or higher, is not normal) and a mass of wet winter day ; flashers cuts, closures pulling the bell rope and little assistance. I said "today the Mass is in the shrine, light the candles in case the light goes again."
cruet and preparing the chalice (which was one of wrought gold), ensure that the cloth was stretched and right on the marble stone, carrying the missal and the site would have that played (more than once I was wrong , but said nothing). Then in that place so quiet and collected, put an ear to the letters of St. Paul to the Romans, the parables of Matthew and those stories that seemed to be reading a historical novel.
allowed him to prepare the clothes when the color of the chasuble changed, I explained, this color today is that we are on this date, etc. The journal was the green, always accompanied by his stole. When you open some of these giant crates appear so rare these hats worn by bishops, mitres, he had in all colors and more than once did not put them on in the head. We
developed with patience all that "wanted to know" and encouraged the use of objects no longer in use and that we pay too much attention, I remember a wooden board with metal handles and many moving it toward a lot of noise I think that was used for the day of the dead.
After the mass was collected the altar and the sacristy, the lights went out all the chapels and threw the bolt, back from the front door to the exit with all dark was courageous with these old, if we looked we saw an image of the chapel dimly lit by Velillas, and it was worse. We went for the plain sascritia to San Rafael where there was not a soul.
At the end of the month concerned have prepared the pay envelopes for all three. Put in mine. Acolyte Diego Luis. Diego L.
Urban Marble.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
When Do Yiu Get The Hiv Results At Meps
! Bases Out!
Looking in the trunk of memories, I found a document where a group of Castreños clamoring for peace.
was March 1986, in the same month, at the end, the writer was going to perform military service.
The first of the second column me.
remember that it was time nuclear plates.
The PSOE skillfully got us, but had to submit to a referendum.
editor of the paper was wrong, NATO "brought nuclear war." But if you were right on the problems that globalization has brought us. The economic crisis and famine in the Third World.
Americans are Coming! It was so bad as to say the Reds are coming (Russian)!. The digestion of milk powder and was made and had to throw at American bases.
While my headquarters were playing "General" for the U.S. bombed Qaddafi, and we recruit, we did not understand at all ("as soon as the barracks and war?). Today
apparently nuclear plants "are clean."
And especially welcome Mister Marshall.
my Sticker collection.
was March 1986, in the same month, at the end, the writer was going to perform military service.
The first of the second column me.
remember that it was time nuclear plates.
The PSOE skillfully got us, but had to submit to a referendum.
editor of the paper was wrong, NATO "brought nuclear war." But if you were right on the problems that globalization has brought us. The economic crisis and famine in the Third World.
Americans are Coming! It was so bad as to say the Reds are coming (Russian)!. The digestion of milk powder and was made and had to throw at American bases.
While my headquarters were playing "General" for the U.S. bombed Qaddafi, and we recruit, we did not understand at all ("as soon as the barracks and war?). Today
apparently nuclear plants "are clean."
And especially welcome Mister Marshall.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Full Brazillian No Runway In My Area
Post is the helmeted
Six centuries later. We get it.
On July 2, 2010 a group of Castreños Specula take this show on Mirror to take the Castle.
The siege was conducted by peaceful means, although it should be noted that it was using "the night and treachery."
We put our banner in the very heart of the citadel.
moral revenge We miss him the Duke of Osuna and we won.
We show for the second time, you can go into a castle however well defended their hits, it only takes courage and imagination.
Our Trojan horse was a group of artists and artisans in our town.
While minstrels and troubadours were responsible for calling attention to the numerous surveillance, we received the signal, a moving curtain stall, traders Castreños, strategically located beside the main door access to the fortress.
my squad's mission was to get one of the most important, a counter, not very high, from where he headed the commissariat, we knew that hamper the logistics, the project would be successful.
I have to admit that we send our toddlers to be strong at the entrance of the keep, his attack being repelled by a large group of Artilleretes, natives of the town of Espejo, that armed to protected teeth that height in a commendable manner, making the attempt failed.
With the parade ground jack gave us complacent.
In the spring of 1333 the Christian stronghold of Castro del Rio is attacked by the Moorish king Muhammad IV. The first day of siege, the defenders and staff were greatly affected castreño.
emissaries were sent for help. They meet that night in the nearby town of Espejo.
Mr. Mirror at the time Ruy Paez Arias Pay son, did not by virtue of the courage that his predecessor had been consistently in the field of battle.
Denying aid to Castro at that time.
Martin Alfonso, M. de Montemayor future, rising from the council said "God fiziese he said that what had for good, but that night Quél go into the castle of Castro, and that those inside would defend or die estauan in it. "
that night out for Castro Cordoba sixty knights and a few pawns.
Not to be surprised by the Muslims covered the hooves with straw, managed to approach the fortress, being betrayed by the neighing of some of these by undertaking a brisk gait to the door, making entry, those on standing were captured. Ruy Páez
Being in the village of his dominion. Alfonso Martín
organized defenses and prevented was taken.
When help arrived Mirror, on the third day, Nazari had already decided to abandon the siege, leaving the place in Christian hands.
Six centuries later. We get it.
On July 2, 2010 a group of Castreños Specula take this show on Mirror to take the Castle.
The siege was conducted by peaceful means, although it should be noted that it was using "the night and treachery."
We put our banner in the very heart of the citadel.
moral revenge We miss him the Duke of Osuna and we won.
We show for the second time, you can go into a castle however well defended their hits, it only takes courage and imagination.
Our Trojan horse was a group of artists and artisans in our town.
While minstrels and troubadours were responsible for calling attention to the numerous surveillance, we received the signal, a moving curtain stall, traders Castreños, strategically located beside the main door access to the fortress.
my squad's mission was to get one of the most important, a counter, not very high, from where he headed the commissariat, we knew that hamper the logistics, the project would be successful.
I have to admit that we send our toddlers to be strong at the entrance of the keep, his attack being repelled by a large group of Artilleretes, natives of the town of Espejo, that armed to protected teeth that height in a commendable manner, making the attempt failed.
With the parade ground jack gave us complacent.
In the spring of 1333 the Christian stronghold of Castro del Rio is attacked by the Moorish king Muhammad IV. The first day of siege, the defenders and staff were greatly affected castreño.
emissaries were sent for help. They meet that night in the nearby town of Espejo.
Mr. Mirror at the time Ruy Paez Arias Pay son, did not by virtue of the courage that his predecessor had been consistently in the field of battle.
Denying aid to Castro at that time.
Martin Alfonso, M. de Montemayor future, rising from the council said "God fiziese he said that what had for good, but that night Quél go into the castle of Castro, and that those inside would defend or die estauan in it. "
that night out for Castro Cordoba sixty knights and a few pawns.
Not to be surprised by the Muslims covered the hooves with straw, managed to approach the fortress, being betrayed by the neighing of some of these by undertaking a brisk gait to the door, making entry, those on standing were captured. Ruy Páez
Being in the village of his dominion. Alfonso Martín
organized defenses and prevented was taken.
When help arrived Mirror, on the third day, Nazari had already decided to abandon the siege, leaving the place in Christian hands.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How To Play Pokemon Heart Gold On Desmune
I just received my latest acquisition.
is a lot of two postal Castro's landmarks, the Plaza San Fernando and the plain of San Rafael, the two also are "street race."
The oldest is the victory of San Rafael Photo done by Recio, is written on the back, a greeting to the family Luque by Ms. Carmen Urbano.
the background we see a car that was destined for Taxi, our neighbor of the Villa, Juan Antonio. This vehicle did not get to see for yourself just met him the last I had a SEAT 1430, my father wants to remember it was a Chrysler.
If you increase the photo you'll see a girl sitting next to the gate of Triumph (such as in the days of rain was cramping) with a beautiful smile "who will?
The Square, is more modern issues above in Zaragoza. We might be dated, and we see another Chrysler, the most modern, and I think the owner was our friend Louis the Carteyano (retired teacher and active rail).
is a lot of two postal Castro's landmarks, the Plaza San Fernando and the plain of San Rafael, the two also are "street race."
The oldest is the victory of San Rafael Photo done by Recio, is written on the back, a greeting to the family Luque by Ms. Carmen Urbano.
the background we see a car that was destined for Taxi, our neighbor of the Villa, Juan Antonio. This vehicle did not get to see for yourself just met him the last I had a SEAT 1430, my father wants to remember it was a Chrysler.
If you increase the photo you'll see a girl sitting next to the gate of Triumph (such as in the days of rain was cramping) with a beautiful smile "who will?
The Square, is more modern issues above in Zaragoza. We might be dated, and we see another Chrysler, the most modern, and I think the owner was our friend Louis the Carteyano (retired teacher and active rail).
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Men And Women's Church Program
prehistoric reptiles that eat in, "Castro del Río
Although a week later, I am about to consummate the tradition. I decide to make muffins the day of the Lord. I thought that with a phone call was enough for its realization. Today I have my doubts.
call my mother tells me the ingredients, easy, flour, sugar, lemon zest, cinnamon and a drop of olive oil from the old kill Castro ("That does not go very hard"). The oven is not very strong.
For some, I make dough for three days.
Easy, very easy, the stairs, and eight ties. And the geckos, and guitars? No friend get caught.
How could the molding. Flavor, we could also talk. I needed sugar.
not the best I've tried, but .... Well.
For those who are not native Castro del Rio, saying that "the Lord's Day rolls" are a traditional sweet of this people, which are made on the date of Corpus Christi.
do not know much history. We have secured at least a century or by oral tradition.
highlight these candies for their toughness. (But with time everything is fixed) and its forms, very attractive to some children. Numbers, shapes, reptiles, flowers, stars and musical instruments are the most popular.
I researched on the net before writing this post and there is this custom in other places, besides not having a lot of gastronomic tradition to this day.
rolls Lord's Day.
Half a kilo of flour.
Zest of one lemon
a quarter of sugar.
One teaspoon of cinnamon.
Media teaspoon olive oil (de Castro).
Knead until sticking mass in the fingers.
oven to 120 º.
completion time: Two hours approx.
mass Difficulty: Easy.
figures Difficulty: High (at least the first time.)
For four people "all day eating."
Economy: very cheap and affordable ingredients, oven very expensive.
Although a week later, I am about to consummate the tradition. I decide to make muffins the day of the Lord. I thought that with a phone call was enough for its realization. Today I have my doubts.
call my mother tells me the ingredients, easy, flour, sugar, lemon zest, cinnamon and a drop of olive oil from the old kill Castro ("That does not go very hard"). The oven is not very strong.
For some, I make dough for three days.
Easy, very easy, the stairs, and eight ties. And the geckos, and guitars? No friend get caught.
How could the molding. Flavor, we could also talk. I needed sugar.
not the best I've tried, but .... Well.
For those who are not native Castro del Rio, saying that "the Lord's Day rolls" are a traditional sweet of this people, which are made on the date of Corpus Christi.
do not know much history. We have secured at least a century or by oral tradition.
highlight these candies for their toughness. (But with time everything is fixed) and its forms, very attractive to some children. Numbers, shapes, reptiles, flowers, stars and musical instruments are the most popular.
I researched on the net before writing this post and there is this custom in other places, besides not having a lot of gastronomic tradition to this day.
rolls Lord's Day.
Half a kilo of flour.
Zest of one lemon
a quarter of sugar.
One teaspoon of cinnamon.
Media teaspoon olive oil (de Castro).
Knead until sticking mass in the fingers.
oven to 120 º.
completion time: Two hours approx.
mass Difficulty: Easy.
figures Difficulty: High (at least the first time.)
For four people "all day eating."
Economy: very cheap and affordable ingredients, oven very expensive.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Shuttlecraft For Jet Ski
Carbonell Castro del Río
leave a link for those who love photography and things of Methuselah.
I would have liked, as always, pointing a few things of this important industry.
Based in Castro for years. Good quarry for stories.
But ........ is that I am on time. Greetings.
leave a link for those who love photography and things of Methuselah.
I would have liked, as always, pointing a few things of this important industry.
Based in Castro for years. Good quarry for stories.
But ........ is that I am on time. Greetings.
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