Friday, March 18, 2011

Hives On Feet And Hand Pain In Joints


We live in a world that too often the man puts into circulation goods or technology is not sufficiently proven to certify their safety. The market imposes this law God with total complacency of political leaders who govern us and largely as a result of the deployment of funds and the media to put into question any different opinion and thus protect human need in the products or technology , so that shortly after its initial use seems impossible to survive without them. Manufacturers or marketers usually with majors, say in their defense that we mistrust of these products we must show how bad they are so that they may be prohibited to ride roughshod what to me is the main principle of which is none other than that is required to demonstrate that it is harmless to health before marketing should be no doubt that wants to market. There are too many examples scattered throughout different sectors. From mobile telephony and microwave at high voltage lines which certainly want to go through our territory, through the famous flu shots now, after filthy rich drug companies put into question the MBM famous mad cow disease or known as GM crops that Far from producing more and better, all they achieve is to give a further twist to go along with the farmer in turn, with the sole purpose that he may continue to survive in his job, a job that is increasingly in the hands of multinationals and the Market God, that's the same weather conditions.

But certainly after what happened in Japan these days, when there is a need to talk about nuclear energy. A secure, I said a few weeks ago about electrical engineers, forgetting about Chernobyl and of course, not knowing what is happening today in Japan. A controlled energy, with many more steps security than any other. As if an energy like this could be controlled by any unforeseen, as if science could have under control any natural setting for many statistics proving that what happened was highly unlikely or even any human folly can be controlled anywhere in the world. A power source that will allow Spain to continue to grow I said, as if Japan does not take years of crisis despite the large number of plants that have, as if the future of the planet pass to continue growing to promote the consumption base. Not what will happen in the Japanese central Fujishma, needless to say that I hope the end is in a great fright beyond what will happen to the people who are risking their lives and probably lose some to save the Japanese from a nuclear disaster. What I have clear is that society in which we live, God will want to market to impose its law and return to tell us that it has improved security measures, that the protocols have been strengthened, it is safe and harmless and again to say because that God protects them, protects them. Organize to stop the senselessness of this God. Nuclear power is worth even less than the God who protects.


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