Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Much Does January Jones Get Paid


Trade Union Congress.

Castro del Rio in 1918 was proclaimed the capital of Cordoba unionism succeed the November strike action the same year.
On June 4 declaring a general strike that paralyzed the entire left the countryside, and 18 of the same sign in the ground work Castro. Accept all requests. They were prepared secretly union Congress from 25 to 27 October in the town.
This was held at the premises of the Instructional Center and went and joined almost all the countryside syndicalist organizations, some Socialists and several surrounding provinces. In total thirty-seven.
Local workers come in a depression at this conference after losing for the first time a strike organized by the Center . The Sept. 20. His approach was absurd, the field does not need any urgent work, the province was quiet, and in those days could concentrate abundant civil guard forces. So at twenty days, the workers give up without achieving any improvement.
To avoid falling into these errors but was signed at this meeting among others, an agreement not to terminate any strike until it was resolved.
The most important points that were set were: 1 .-

complete abolition of piecework for both sexes. 2 .-

wage fixing to each other during the winter season would be set independently in each locality for their workers' centers. 3 .-

before reaching a strike would be administered by delegates of all the county workers to approve the ground work for each village.

4 .- What if it was justified because a people to strike, the workers 'organizations represented at the conference would send, if it was about the people on strike, workers' committees at all sites where workers are employed. 5 .-

until the land is not for those who work will be required of municipalities, government ministries and employment of all unemployed.

6 .- Implementation of the daily maximum of eight hours for factory workers of oil.

7 .- apply the Occupational Accidents Act to field worker.

8 .- That people are self-employed to request or compel employers to recognize workers' societies.

9 .- Do not place any outsider workers while some of the town had stopped.

10 .- That the joint attacks were presented to employers in the same working day basis.

is rare supply this information to us and not Bernaldo de Quiros Juan Díaz del Moral; you may come to hand of the latter or Social Reform Institute where he worked.

From these bases could pick imteresantes points of discussion. The treatment of foreigners at the local, the weight had stopped within the unions and piecework.


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