Sunday, July 27, 2008

And The Bride Wore Template


View your eyes and believe that heaven is behind them is a utopia, watch your eyes and imagine the world stops is a fantasy, see your eyes and assume that there is a deep feeling is lie to myself, of utopias and fantasies may be possible to live, but not lies, and I can not hide the truth, but see the reality is difficult, much more transparent when a band thing stopping you and the sun shines strongly.

Perhaps it was all a utopia, maybe it was a passing dream, but as usual after the dream is a wake up ... I can not stay asleep! And while some are beautiful dreams can not live in them and maybe it was all a product of a deep sleep.

I can not demand that the sun revolves around the earth or keep out the rainbow in the afternoon storm. I can not make people walk backwards or to build houses on the ocean floor ... there are so many things I can not do and yet I settle and be proud of the things I can ... I can not have you by my side, I can not keep you away ... the solution would be within a certain distance, where?

say that distance is oblivion, maybe if we conceive the reason, why have a dream to me if I can find a reality, and while sleeping, dreaming, I can not distinguish.

Now I feel awake and that the world has given me back, will that was looking in another direction? Could it be that I was watching the clouds and suddenly changed the entire planet in one turn? There are so many questions, so few answers ... human beings are so complex. I never liked

wake of a stroke, gave me a headache all day, but today it is perhaps better wake up and to keep floating in a dream, a dream as it is abstract Picasso painting ... strange figures I can not explain and I do not want to decipher. I wake up!

Jesus A. Maury


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