Communication was pleasant and the feeling of wanting to know more ... to share more, that time stopped ... they say that the chemistry is perceived to be so because there is, in short can not be subjective. Monday, 18
we kissed and the other was his birthday. Just discovered a flaw in it in During that week, I like cranky, capricious, or perhaps very polite Ingrid expected in a quality that I value it may seem insignificant Responder a text message!
12:20: INGRID: Hi, How are you?
12:20:01: I: Hi, my lunch hour from work, all quiet and you? 5:30
: INGRID: in a queue, medium stressed (Did you see when your answer?)
Another example:
08:00: INGRID: Good morning baby, I wish you a great week. How do you wake? 8:00:02
: ME: Good morning my queen .. For you also the best. Did you finish the report to be delivered? FIN
know that I will not bother me a bit that attitude, just did this:
12:00 p.m. INGRID: Bon Appetit love. Today the day was fatal
12:00 am I: Good night, until tomorrow. Sleep well.
After three days I said I was going hysterical, why not answer your message ... told "you just imitate" and from there each message had a response, if warranted, of course ... but we do not wrote!