few weeks ago I've been reading three blogs, each very different from the other but keep one thing in common: They are entertaining, funny and have a touch of irony (I know if conscious or unconscious ).
There are blogs that you open (depending on taste, interests, style and personality of each person) than to read two lines no longer causes you to follow and less return, while others make you fan or addict.
And while many know him, those who fall here today by chance I recommend:

If you think there Inconceivable notes, this blog will surprise you , funny notes, that although they are curious and seemingly "trivial" are linked to current scientific, technological, social ... and well, sometimes if it is trivial, but they give a lot of laughter. Also, if you are lazy to read, you can hear the entries with a personal touch.
This Blog is an Argentine, knocking him Eze, I came to him for a information on Google, I know little of the author and the blog is a compendium of many things, but is agile, light, entertaining, varied. A day you talk politics, then technology, but also their rat that can cook je je , and a history of "love" with Anne
GIVE YOUR an eye! !